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J.P. Morgan

3.5m built up letter material solution for J.P. Morgan

The Brief

Using our vast engineering experience for the J.P. Morgan commission we produced two sets of 3.5m high aluminium built up letters for the North and South elevation of their office in Canary Wharf, London. With a requirement to engineer and install the signage at this extreme height was a challenge and quality was paramount. We needed to produce the signs using materials that were reliable, resilient and long lasting.

This complex project required a unique, robust solution and after researching available materials we identified that Lexan Opal was the most suitable polycarbonate for the letter faces. Lexan has all the properties required for the job in hand, including strength, a brighter white colour when illuminated and excellent diffusion, eliminating hot spots. It is virtually unbreakable and designed to withstand high winds and weather extremes; making it an ideal material for this high rise building.

The Approach

Working in partnership with the material suppliers, Tara Signs calculated and evaluated other Lexan product factors such as weight restrictions and drilling compatibility, during both the manufacturing and installation processes.

The consultative approach, support and expert materials advice provided by Lexan’s UK representative ensured that we delivered this project to the highest standards and met the requirements of the designers, architects and engineers employed by both the client and Tara Signs. For example, using the calculations specified by the structural engineer, Tara Signs was able to illustrate that Lexan had the strength to withstand the wind factors even where the thin serif on the logo type face reached a minimum size.

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Global Brand Implementation in 2020
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